Second Forum for Heads of Higher Education Institutions of China and Portuguese-Speaking Countries successfully concluded, promoting international cooperation and innovation

The Second Forum for Heads of Higher Education Institutions of China and Portuguese-Speaking Countries (2.ª Edição do Fórum dos Reitores das Instituições do Ensino Superior da China e dos Países de Língua Portuguesa), jointly organized by MSAR Government Education and Youth Development Bureau and members of the Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Talent Training Alliance (Aliança para Formação de Quadros Bilingues Qualificados nas Línguas Chinesa e Portuguesa): the University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic University, Macau University of Science and Technology, City University of Macau (CityU), and University of Saint Joseph. This year’s edition was hosted by CityU and continued via video conference on Sunday, 23 October.



The forum commenced on 22 October with the theme “international cooperation between higher education institutions from China and the Portuguese-speaking countries in the post-era” leaders, experts, and scholars from universities in mainland China, Portuguese-speaking countries, as well as the United Kingdom, Australia and Macao discussed issues related to exchange and cooperation in higher education between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. (Click here for details)

Five thematic sessions were carried out on the second day, including “the role of higher education in promoting cultural exchanges and economic and trade cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries,” “the role of higher education in the curriculum development and quality assurance under the global context,” “language and technology: new elements of higher education cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries,” “challenges and experiences in launching dual degree and joint degree projects,” and also “cross-border mobility in international education”. Scholars of the member universities moderated the sessions. They were: Prof. José Alves, dean of Faculty of Business of City University of Macau; Prof. Rui P Martins, vice rector of University of Macau; Dr Yang Nan, lecturer at the Engineering Research Centre of Applied Technology on Machine Translation and Artificial Intelligence of Macao Polytechnic University; Prof. Aliana Leong, associate vice president of Macau University of Science and Technology and dean of School of Liberal Arts; and Prof. Carlos Sena Caires, dean of Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Saint Joseph.



The guest speakers who attended the sessions included: Prof. José Mário Joaquim Magode, rector of Joaquim Chissano University (Mozambique); Prof. Luiz Gustavo Nussio, scholar of the Animal Sciences Department of the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture of University of São Paulo (Brazil); Prof. Catarina Yixing Xu, director of the Portuguese Department of the Shanghai University of International Studies and scholar of Foreign Corresponding Academician of Lisbon Academy of Sciences; Prof. João Guerreiro, president of the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (Lisbon, Portugal); Prof. Mao Yinhui, deputy dean of the Faculty of Languages and Western Cultures of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies; Prof. Jorge Manuel Costa Almeida e Pinho, coordinator of  master’s program in Translation of Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Coimbra; Prof. Luo Wuman, associate professor of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of Macao Polytechnic University; Prof. Zhao Xinyuan, professor of the School of Liberal Arts of Macau University of Science and Technology; Prof. Tang Yinshan, associate dean of Henley Business School of Reading University (United Kingdom); Prof. Filomena Soares, vice president of the University of Minho (Portugal) and Prof. Francis Campbell, vice-chancellor of the University of Notre Dame  (Australia).


At the closing ceremony, Mr. Teng Sio Hong, deputy director of the Education and Youth Development Bureau, and representatives of the member universities of the Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Talent Training Alliance delivered the closing speech. They included Prof. Ip Kuai Peng, vice rector of City University of Macau; Prof. Rui P Martins, vice rector of the University of Macau; Prof. Vivian Lei, vice rector of the Macao Polytechnic University; Prof. Zhang Hongming, director of the International College of the Macau University of Science and Technology; and Prof. Tânia Ribeiro Marques, head of the Department of Languages and Culture of the University of Saint Joseph.




Mr. Teng Sio Hong pointed out that the success of the forum highlighted Macao's role as the bridge between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, especially in promoting cooperation and the development of higher education. According to him, the MSAR government would focus on cultivating bilingual talents and building a favorable environment for learning Chinese and Portuguese. He expressed his hope that local universities would continue strengthening their bilingual education mechanism and promoting bilingual education in China and Portuguese-speaking countries by leveraging teaching resources and research strengths.

Prof. Ip Kuai Peng said unprecedented opportunities and challenges hindered globalization in recent years. According to him, China would need to strengthen talent cultivation and develop economic and trade cooperation and mutual political trust. He hoped the universities in China and overseas could further enhance cooperation and exchanges to contribute to talent cultivation.

Prof. Rui P Martins mentioned that the exchange and development between China and Portuguese-speaking countries have unprecedented opportunities, and the cooperation and exchange between the two sides would support the cultivation of language talents in China and contribute to the development of the Greater Bay Area in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

According to Prof. Vivian Lei, Macao, as an education and cultural exchange hub between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, had been actively playing the role of a platform connecting the two sides, integrating into the overall development of the country, cultivating a large number of outstanding Chinese-Portuguese talents over the years.

Prof. Zhang Hongming said the MSAR government and local universities could continue to strengthen Portuguese-language education and committed to developing Chinese-Portuguese education in collaboration with mainland Chinese universities, thus promoting exchange and cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries in humanities, economy and trade, and education.

Prof. Tânia Ribeiro Marques mentioned that Macao had actively engaged in international cooperation under globalization. She believed that China and Portugal would continue to strengthen their collaboration to promote economic and cultural exchanges in the global context.