Guangdong University of Technology President Qiu Xueqing visits CityU Macau
A delegation led by Prof Qiu Xueqing, President of Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT), visite...
CityU Macau welcomes Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education
A delegation led by Ms Gu Yuehua, Deputy Director of the Department of Education of Jiangsu Province...
Open University of Guangdong at CityU Macau promotes joint efforts on Gerontology programmes
A delegation led by Prof Liu Wenqing, rector of the Open University of Guangdong, visited the City U...
Wuchang University of Technology visits CityU Macau to deepen cooperation
A delegation led by Prof. Zhao Zuobin, President of Wuchang University of Technology, visited the Ci...
East China Normal University visits CityU Macau to facilitate in-depth cooperation
A delegation led by Ms Yang Changli, Vice-Chairman of the University Council of East China Normal Un...
Two delegations respectively led by Ms Wang Lixia, Vice-President of Huaqiao University, and Mr Si Q...
In order to facilitate exchanges and cooperation between universities in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao G...
澳門城市大學劉駿校長作為主講嘉賓今日出席由美國《高等教育紀事報》(The Chronicle of Higher Education)和亞太教育者年會(Asia-Pacific Association...
城大與華東師大簽署全面戰略夥伴合作協議 推動滬澳兩地教育事業發展