CityU facilitates Urban Planning and Design Courses in Collaboration with the University of Edinburgh’s Professor
CityU facilitates Urban Planning and Design Courses in Collaboration with the University of Edinburgh’s Professor
During Chinese Spring Festival, Dr. Miles Glendinning from the University of Edinburgh; Dr. Chui Chi Wai, Vice President of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects; Mr. Rui Leão - Vice President of Associacao dos Arquitectos de Macau and Conselho Internacional Dos Arquitectos De Lingua Portuguesa, visited Rector Shu Guang Zhang and Academic Registrar Sean Li at the CityU campus, for collaborative discussions on the launching of CityU’s "Urban Management and Studies" courses in Master level and Doctoral level. The two parties reached a number of agreements on teaching excellence, teaching staff exchange, student learning and cooperative research topics, etc.
Founded in 1853, the University of Edinburgh ranks the World’s Best 50 Universities, it is well-known by its architectural design and cultural conservation area of studies, along with its renovated study programs and diverse teaching and research methods. Dr. Miles Glendinning as the academic leader of the School of Architecture and Landscape Design, has introduced the school’s educational concept and researches carried in the areas of architectural and landscaping design to Rector Zhang and Dr. Li. At the same time, he has proudly recommended several renowned professors from the University of Edinburgh to assist in optimizing CityU’s Faculty of Urban Management and Studies courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The International Committee for documentation and conservation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the modern movement - Docomomo International's director of Hong Kong Center, Dr. Chui Chi Wai, and Mr. Rui Leão from the Macau Institute of Architects proposed the idea of Docomomo Hong Kong and Macau region's further collaboration with CityU’s Faculty of Urban Management and Studies. In regards, Rector Zhang expressed his gratitude and suggested that the Faculty of Urban Management and Studies to establish an "Experiential Learning Platform" with the two centers of Docomomo, which would produce ample opportunity for our students to actively participate in Docomomo projects, hence learn from practical works.
With the full support of Macao Government and Tertiary Education Services Office of Macao SAR, CityU will soon launch Master Degree and Doctoral Degree programs under the Faculty of Urban Management and Studies. As the first institution to launch such programs in Macau, the Master and Doctoral programs of Urban Management and Studies aim to complement Macau metropolitan’s infrastructure strategy renewals. By mainly developing course in the three areas of Coastal Urban Design and Planning, Landscape Construction and Design, Big Data and Smart City, the postgraduate degree focuses on nurturing professionals to facilitate Macau’s scientific researches and provide extensive social services to the local society. The course especially welcomes local students with a Bachelor's degree in Design, Architecture, Information Science, and Management fields. To ensure a high starting point for this course, CityU brings together top-notch teaching team across the University of Cincinnati(USA), the University of Edinburgh(UK), University of Lisbon in Portugal and Minho University(Portugal), Qinghua University, Southeast University, Tongji University, Hefei University of Technology, Jiangnan University and Qingdao University of Science and Technology, with Prof. Yao Wu, Prof. Rong Zhu, Prof. Wencai Du and Prof. Zhiming Cai from Faculty of Urban Management and Studies of our university, together endeavoring to develop CityU’s postgraduate degrees of Urban Management and Studies up to the international standards. Students who are enrolled in the course will also have the opportunities to extend their studies by exchanging to universities in the United Kingdom, the United States and Portugal.
(For more information, please contact our instructors from the Faculty of Urban Manage and Studies: )