期間,學生們受到了悉尼科技大學商學院副院長Gerhard Van de Venter副教授和法學院副院長Grace Li副教授的熱情接待。兩位副院長分別為學生們主講了精彩的講座。學生們表示,這些精彩生動的專題講座讓他們受益匪淺,大大拓寬了自己的文化視野和專業知識。
常馨文 Winnie
The two weeks I spent at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) were truly unforgettable. Students from around the world came together, and we engaged in enriching exchanges both inside and outside the classroom. The interaction of diverse cultures broadened my understanding of the world. Beyond the academic knowledge gained, I had the chance to immerse myself in the vibrant activities of UTS Open Day, which showcased the university's dynamic academic environment and open campus culture.
During these 14 days, I explored Sydney’s iconic landmarks, such as the Sydney Opera House, Harbor Bridge, Darling Harbor, and Blue Mountains while also discovering the city’s unique charm. Sydney's multicultural environment was a breath of fresh air, exposing me to a variety of perspectives and ways of life, which in turn inspired new thoughts about learning and living.
Looking back on these two weeks, though the time was short, it was profoundly meaningful. Each day was filled with learning and discovery, making me realize that true knowledge extends beyond textbooks, it also comes from the rich interactions and exchanges with people from different backgrounds. This study tour not only provided academic insights but also expanded my worldview and enriched my life experience. I am confident that these experiences will have a lasting influence on my future studies and personal growth.
邵文静 Josephine
I am grateful for the rich academic and cultural experiences I gained. The program offered a perfect blend of lectures, workshops, and industry visits that broadened my understanding of business administration in an international context. Beyond academics, the tour offered ample opportunities to explore Sydney's vibrant culture. Visits to iconic locations like Bondi Beach, Taronga Zoo, and the Blue Mountains left me in awe of Australia's natural beauty. The city tour helped me appreciate Sydney's urban landscape and rich history. Accompanying by friends and teachers, we had a great time in Sydney. Industry visits to Glebe Youth Centre and Banish provided practical insights into Australian businesses and their operations. We learned Australian people’s community atmosphere and how nice the people are. They had actively taken initiatives in environmental protection, education and taking care of their community. These experiences complemented the theoretical knowledge gained from lectures on entrepreneurial marketing, transnational management, and sustainability. Interacting with local students during the O-Week Student Clubs Day was a highlight, allowing me to forge new friendships and gain a deeper understanding of Australian university life. I had made many friends through participating their society events. This study tour not only enhanced my business acumen but also fostered a global mindset, preparing me for an international career. The memories and lessons from this colorful experience in Sydney will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors. Finally, I appreciated that our professor Tiffany, Farzad and CityU FOB made arrangements with UTS.
Vic 楊浩宇
非常感謝此次與悉尼科技大學(UTS)的合作專案,讓我有機會來到美麗的悉尼。在UTS這段充滿活力的學習時光,至今讓我難以忘懷。課堂上思想的激烈碰撞,Open Day上豐富多彩的社團活動,都給我留下了深刻印象。在這裡,我結交了許多來自世界各地的朋友,也深深感受到了UTS開放包容的校園氛圍。UTS的校園建築與城市融為一體,這種獨特的開放式設計讓我感到耳目一新。無論是學生還是社區居民,無論是求知探索還是休閒娛樂,UTS都敞開懷抱歡迎每一個人。
柳艾汐 kelly
胡藝懷 Hank
馮婉鳴 Miriam
參加悉尼科技大學的Summer School商業管理課程讓我收穫頗豐。課程涉及市場行銷、跨文化交流和戰略思維,特別是實踐項目讓我能夠將理論與實際相結合。通過與來自不同國家的同學交流,我拓寬了視野,也提升了跨文化溝通能力。老師們的講解生動有趣,激發了我對商業的興趣。這次經歷不僅讓我深入瞭解商業管理,還為我未來的學習和職業發展打下了堅實基礎。
蔡如虹 Nova
謝文清 Welkin
學校組織的此次Summer schoolcamp給我帶來了非常多有趣且全新的體驗。在為期半月的遊學中,通過老師的引導與個人的探索,我們結識到來自世界各地的新朋友,切身感受了悉尼乃至澳洲的本土文化和人文風情,掌握了更多書本之外的生活技能與社交技巧。十分感謝CityU可以提供這樣具有意義和價值的機會能夠幫助我們進行自我提升、增長見識以及開闊視野。我相信,對參與此次活動的每個人而言,都會是一次寶貴的人生經歷。
劉雯浠 Brittney
在過去兩個星期的澳洲UTS研學之行中,我收穫頗豐。這段時間,我不僅深入學習了growth mindset和entrepreneurial marketing等新知識,還結識了來自世界各地的新朋友,拓寬了視野。在課堂上,我感受到了創新與創業的激情,激發了自己對未來的無限可能。