CityU Students Successfully Completed University of British Columbia Summer Program

On July 13, 2019, 11 CityU students flew to Vancouver, Canada to take a four-week Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) at the University of British Columbia (UBC). On August 13, all the students completed the program successfully and safely returned home with their academic achievements and happy foreign experience.


UBC is one of Canada's leading higher institutions of education. Each year, it offers a variety of summer programs for undergraduate students all around the world. This year, more than 2,700 students have taken part in the summer program at UBC.

During the program, students could not only study the subjects related to their major courses in university, but they could also choose to try other extracurricular subjects such as chemistry,  architecture and etc. To help students quickly get used to the campus life, Orchard Commons, the dormitory of the campus was provided for students to better enjoy the library, sports room, swimming pool and other facilities on campus together with partners from other regions and countries.


In addition to relaxation and study, the rose garden on the campus and its museum were the must-visit spots. Every weekend, students could not only participate on-campus and activities in Vancouver, but also sign up for the ski resort project in Whistler, visiting garden town of Victoria, going to national park in rocky mountain and other sightseeing projects to deeply experience the greater Vancouver area from the Pacific east to the Rocky Mountains.